Aid projects

With the contribution of our customers from Switzerland, we support the following Swiss aid project

Projects in Switzerland

Swiss Sovial Impact Projekt

MS Sports

Throughout Switzerland, children and teenagers should experience their school holidays in an unforgettable way: full of joy, movement, and valuable experiences. For us, the focus is on the sparkle in children's eyes and their enthusiasm for sports. We understand the importance of offering parents a little relief. That's why every year, with a lot of dedication, we organize over 400 sports camps. A huge thank you to everyone who has entrusted us with their confidence - in 2023, we were able to get 18,074 children and teenagers moving and laughing. A new participant record that fills us with pride!

Order your Climate Action Sticker today and become an active contributor.

Label Climate Action Moveri

The Climate Action Sticker is more than just a sticker. With every purchase, each buyer receives an individual certificate and a physical sticker by mail. Once a year, we send out a report on the climate protection contributions (up to 68.3% of the net amount). Climate Action offsets 2.5 tons of CO2-equivalent per sticker (based on 15,000 km mileage at 140 grams of CO2 per km).

With the contribution of our customers, we support the following international projects

Our international projects


Children of the Mountains

"Children of the Mountains" is a humanitarian organization that has been passionately advocating for education and the safety of children in the Nepalese mountain regions for years. With generous donations, it builds earthquake-resistant schools, provides students with school supplies, clothing, and books, and offers on-site support and training to teachers. To date, 16 schools and 30 kindergartens have been built, creating more than 2,000 educational opportunities.


One Heart Umunohu

"One Heart Umunohu" is a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing access to education for children from the poorest families, orphans, and disabled children in Nigeria. The organization was founded by Mag. Dr. Emeka Emeakaroha and relies on a sponsorship program to provide these children with a better future.

In many families in Nigeria, there is a lack of financial resources to send their children to school. School fees, books, and school uniforms are often unaffordable. Additionally, many children have to start working at a young age to contribute to the family income. This leads to them having little chance of a better future. Through sponsorship support, "One Heart" enables these children to attend school. This education is not only crucial for the individual future of the children but also plays a central role in poverty alleviation and improving the quality of life for the entire population in the region.


Heart for Afrika

"Heart for Africa": In a remote village in Nigeria, near Umunohu, a hospital has been operated since 2009 with funds from Austria. Every year, technicians, opticians, nurses, midwives, and doctors travel there to freely offer their skills to the local population.

In January 2020, Andrea returned to Nigeria and brought something special with her: the power of aromatherapy. During her psychology studies and clinical internships, she discovered the remarkable effects of essential oils. After extensive training and further education, she had the desire to bring this complementary medical method to Africa. After a year of preparation, high-quality, rigorously tested essential oils were delivered to Nigeria. The combination of aromatherapy and conventional medicine is a revolutionary approach, and the hospital in Umunohu is among the first outside of America to embrace this path, already achieving significant successes.